"The engine of a concrete mixer truck overheats, which is commonly referred to by driver friends as running at high temperatures. Running the engine at high temperatures is not good, and bad luck can cause the engine to fail.".
1. If the engine overheats on an ordinary highway, you should reduce the speed as soon as possible, drive the mixer truck into the shade of a tree, or drive to a relatively cool place, and stop the small mixer truck. Open the engine hood and allow the engine to idle, waiting for the engine temperature to gradually return to normal.
After the engine water temperature returns to normal, turn off the engine. Then wait for a further period of time until the water temperature of the engine has dropped sufficiently, and then check the cooling water volume of the engine. At this time, the cooling water volume of the engine is mostly seriously insufficient. After replenishing the cooling water according to the specified amount, check the cooling system again and confirm that there are no other faults. After that, start the engine and continue driving.

2. If the engine overheats on a highway, it is necessary to immediately turn on all the heating and open the windows. Due to the help of warm air to dissipate heat from the cooling water, the cooling water temperature can significantly decrease.
This allows you to continue driving, find the exit of the highway nearby, and drive the mixer truck to a certain location to stop. Next, just follow the above method to lower the temperature of the engine. Be careful not to park the mixer truck on the roadside to avoid affecting traffic or being hit by a car. Park the small mixer truck in a place.